Click below to watch our first P-REACH! video: “What Are You Willing To Do For God?”
There are so many who are lost. Many in your community, on your street, in your family. And there are many in Israel. There are only about 20,000 out of more than 7 million Jews who profess to know Yeshua as their Lord and Messiah. That’s why we’re developing a new evangelistic tool to share our sermon messages with those who don’t attend church (or synagogue). It’s called: P-REACH!
We’re calling this new project P-REACH! because we’re trying to preach and reach those who are simply not coming to church. If we want the lost to be saved, we need to preach the Gospel to them and reach out to them, right? So we will be taking our sermons revealing Yeshua and condensing them down to about 8 minutes long. This is an exciting new way for us to get the spoken Word before the lost on social media in Israel and also America. We’ll be making these videos in both Hebrew and English so that we can REACH everyone we can in Israel, the USA and around the world.