Articles - Page 4 of 9 - Israel Media Ministries


Creative Media Ministries

Creative Media Ministries: We Can Reach Everyone in Israel – Here’s How!

Yeshua, before His ascension, left His disciples the mandate to preach the Gospel to everyone (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:18). From Luke’s account of the early church’s events in Acts, we see how they went from place to place, fulfilling that commission. The first four chapters of Acts recounts how the disciples’ outreach in Jerusalem alone had produced up to 8,000 converts (Acts 2:41; Acts 4:4). Praise God for such a great harvest of souls! Personally,…

Creative Media Ministries

Creative Media Ministries: Preaching the Gospel in Creative Ways

Every believer has been called to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20). God recruited us into His workforce the day we accepted Yeshua as our Savior (II Corinthians 5:17-20). However, with the unwelcoming attitude of many Israelis in regards to faith in Yeshua, we need to trust God for creative ideas to reach them. I mean spirit-inspired strategies of sharing the unadulterated truth of the Word. As one of the creative media ministries focused…

Great Commission Media Ministries

Great Commission Media Ministries: We Have All the Authority We Need!

Over the years, quite a lot has been said about the need for every believer to take part in evangelism. Yeshua saved us from the sting of sin and death and left us the mandate to share that good news with others. Praise God, believers in Israel are becoming more concerned about this divine commission. It gladdens my heart seeing fellow Israelis and great commission media ministries become more intent about putting out the Word…

Great Commission Media Ministries: Using Your God-given Authority in Evangelism

We are living in the end times, and the devil is doing all he can to oppose the spreading of the gospel globally. Peter describes him as an adversary who goes about looking for whom to devour (I Peter 5:8). But thanks to Yeshua who defeated him for us, His substitutionary work completely stripped the devil of power (Colossians 2:15; 1:13)! In view of recent opposition to the Gospel in Israel, I strongly believe this…

Great Commission Media Ministries

Great Commission Media Ministries: Using the Tools Paul Wished He Had

Every generation has a group of people who devote themselves fully to the Lord’s service. In the early church, Paul was one of those people. He founded over a dozen churches and has been credited with writing thirteen books of the New Testament. His letters are masterpieces that address virtually every subject of the Christian faith. Even Peter acknowledged that he had an uncommon understanding of the Scriptures (II Peter 3:15-15). I’m persuaded that Paul…

Yeshua Saved My Soul

Once Damned, But Yeshua Saved My Soul

After Yeshua saved my soul, one of the greatest revelations about God that I discovered from the Scripture is His unfailing show of mercy to His people. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. (Psalms 100:5) Anytime I read Genesis 3, I find it a great wonder that after the disobedience in the garden, God immediately began to activate His plan for man’s redemption. And I…

Yeshua Saved My Soul

My Story of How Yeshua Saved My Soul

Reaching out to the lost again and again without seeing the desired results can be extremely disheartening. Personally, I’ve had a few times when I almost gave up on evangelizing certain Israelis. They were so resistant to the Gospel! But when I was about to give up on people, the Lord would encourage and strengthen me to continue. He would remind me of how patient He was with me, before Yeshua saved my soul. Like…

Jewish Evangelism Ministries

Jewish Evangelism Ministries: The Unique Challenges and Their Way Out

Evangelism in Israel has its peculiar challenges. In this blog, I will share five of them and the possible way out. Challenges of Jewish Evangelism Ministries 1. Messianic Jews Have Always Been the Minority For the past few generations, Jews who believe in Yeshua have always been in the minority. And like most of us born in Israel, we are raised believing that Christianity is false. Paul was a prime example of that (Galatians 1:13-14)….

Jewish Evangelism Ministries: Staying Consistent in Evangelism

Consistency is something many of us struggle with today. This week we are fervent. The next, we are cold again. Of course, we all know that life gets busy and even crazy at times. We can’t find time to rest, let alone maintain our passion and excitement for important kingdom endeavors like Jewish evangelism ministries. But the truth of the matter is, God doesn’t make or take excuses. He assigns us duties and expects us…

Jewish Evangelism Ministries: Handling Objections and Opposition in God’s Way

Objections are one thing we may not be able to completely avoid as we evangelize to the lost in Israel. Check the Scripture: objections have taken place since the beginning. The prophets were opposed in the Old Testament (Acts 7:52). Yeshua and the apostles were opposed in the New Testament as well. However, I’ve observed a major difference between their experience and ours in Jewish evangelism ministries today. Wondering what that could be? It is…